
  • Loïc QUEVAL
  • Visiting Professor Samir AHMAD MUSSA
  • Researcher Herminio OLIVEIRA
  • Researcher Tian-Yong GONG

Doctor course

  • Yasmine NADJAI, “?,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ongoing. (){J. Dai ?%, L. Quéval ?%, funding PEPR TASe DC Architect}[].
  • Stephane NGO BUI HUNG, “?,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ongoing. (){E. Labouré ?%, L. Quéval ?%, L. Pniak ?%, funding Cifre SafranTech}[].
  • Lauro FERREIRA, “Étude de faisabilité des systèmes supraconducteurs pour le déploiement des chemins de fer,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ongoing. (){L. Quéval 50%, S. Meunier 50%, SuperRail funding AMI CORIFER – BPI}[ic69, ic65, ic60, ic58, nc40, o6, o5].
  • Yasmine BAAZIZI, “Développement d’un cryo-convertisseur pour le ferroviaire,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ongoing. (){L. Quéval 50%, T. Phulpin 50%, SuperRail funding AMI CORIFER – BPI}[ic69, ic65, ic60, ic58, nc40, nc39].
  • Ange SAHUQUET, “Amélioration de la soutenabilité des systèmes photovoltaïques de pompage pour l’accès à l’eau potable dans les régions en voie de développement,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ongoing. (){L. Quéval 50%, S. Meunier 50%, funding Université Paris Saclay}[nc38].

Master course

  • Amina OUATTARRA, “?,” Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, ongoing. (){J. Cherni, 33%, L. Quéval 33%, S. Meunier 33%}[]
  • Thomas DUPONT, “?,” Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, ongoing. (){J. Cherni, 33%, L. Quéval 33%, S. Meunier 33%}[]

Bachelor course

  • Ana-Luiza BEZERRA, “Cryogenic power electronics,” Bachelor thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ongoing. (){50%}[]

Research students

  • Aurélien DU MUR, Baptiste FREMY, Ian BOUCHER, “Superconducting power cable,” Projet 3A CEI indus CentraleSupélec, 2023-2024. (){100%}[]


I have been supervising students and young researchers, both as a researcher at GeePs (postdoc, PhD thesis, master thesis, bachelor thesis, others) and as a teacher at CentraleSupelec (project 1A, 2A, 3A, others). The list is given bellow with the following notation (link){% of supervision, funding}[publications].


[P4] Gustavo HENN, “Cryogenic power filter for a superconducting conversion chain,” Jun. 2022-Jul. 2023. (){100%, funding Airbus Next}[]
[P3] Hong CAI, “Power system’s transmission network joint-optimization with large share of renewables,” Dec. 2019-Dec. 2020. (){25%, funding FMJH program PGMO and EDF}[o3]
[P2] Jilin GUO, “Eolsupra20: étude conceptuelle d’une éolienne supraconductrice de 20 MW,” Nov. 2017-Nov. 2018. (){100%, funding China Scholarship Council NO. 201707005056 2017 and SWJTU}[p24, ic33]
[P1] Trung-Kien HOANG, “Etude conceptuelle d’une éolienne supraconductrice de 20 MW,” Dec. 2016-Dec. 2017. (){33%, funding Labex LASIPS 2015}[p40, p11, ic21, ic17]

PhD Thesis

[D6] Frédéric REYMOND-LARUINA, “Hybridation d’un poste de distribution HTA/BT : conception et dimensionnement,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Nov. 2023. PhD thesis defended in Nov. 2023, under the supervision of M. Petit. (){M. Petit 50%, L. Quéval 50%, funding Cifre EDF/Enedis}[ic63, ic62, ic61, ic52, nc39, nc34, pat2] – Prix Think Smartgrids 2023 & Prix du doctorant IEEE PES France 2024.
[D5] Lucas PNIAK, “Vers une modélisation électromagnétique exhaustive et rapide du transformateur planaire par le principe de moindre action. Application à la conception d’un convertisseur isolé modulaire répondant aux contraintes aéronautiques,” PhD thesis, Sorbonne Université, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Jan. 2023. PhD thesis defended in Jan. 2023, under the supervision of O. Bethoux. (link){O. Bethoux 30%, L. Quéval 30%, J.-S. Ngoua Teu 30%, B. Revol 10%, funding Cifre SafranTech}[p47, p43, p41, ic57, nc36, nc28, pat1].
[D4] Rafael COELHO MEDEIROS, “A modular multilevel converter with superconducting coupled arm coils,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Mar. 2022. PhD thesis defended in Mars 2022, under the supervision of J.-C. Vannier. (thesis){J.-C. Vannier 30%, J. Dai 40%, L. Quéval 30%, funding Cifre EDF R&D}[p47, p38, ic54, ic51, ic48, ic39, nc30, nc20].
[D3] Simon MEUNIER, “Optimal design of photovoltaic water pumping systems for rural communities – a technical, economic and social approach,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2019. Cifre EDF R&D. PhD thesis defended in 2019, under the supervision of C. Marchand. (thesis){C. Marchand 33%, L. Quéval 33%, P. Dessante 33%, funding IDI-IDEX}[p33, p30, p26, p25, p18, p17, ic40, ic32, ic31, ic28, nc26, nc25, nc24, nc23, nc19, nc18, nc17, nc16, nc15, nc14] – Prix solennel de thèse 2020 de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris
[D2] Bogdan DŽONLAGA, “Contribution to the sizing of the modular multilevel converter,” PhD thesis, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2019. PhD thesis defended in 2019, under the supervision of J.-C. Vannier. (thesis){J.-C. Vannier 30%, L. Quéval 70%, funding MESR}[p15, ic39, ic37, ic24, ic15, nc30, nc21, nc13] – 2ème prix de thèse Think Smartgrids 2020
[D1] Davi Rabelo JOCA, “An AC-DC topology based on an interleaved modular multilevel converter feasible to solid-state transformer applications,” PhD thesis, Universidade federal do Ceará & Université Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2019. PhD thesis defended in 2019, under the supervision of L.H.S.C. Barreto (Universidade federal do Ceará) and J.-C. Vannier. (thesis){J.-C. Vannier 30%, L. Quéval 70%, funding Erasmus Mundus SMART2}[p15, ic24, ic15, nc13].

Master Thesis

[M12] Fatima HERMOSIN, “A life cycle analysis of storage batteries for photovoltaic water pumping systems (PVWPS) in Sub-Saharan remote areas,” Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2021. (thesis) {25%}[]
[M11] Alexander SHERRED, “Assessment of the potential for photovoltaic water pumping systems to improve water access in sub-Saharan Africa,” Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Sept. 2021. () {50%}[]
[M10] Batoul ZBIB, “Modeling and simulation of HVDC power converters,” rapport de stage recherche M2, GeePs, CentraleSupélec, France, Sept. 2021. () {50%}[]
[M9] Mohammed Lamine ZINET, “Modélisation et conception d’une inductance de puissance haute fréquence,” rapport de stage recherche M2, GeePs, CentraleSupélec, France, Sept. 2021. () {50%}[]
[M8] Feilian XIE, “Modeling of the AC loss in superconducting tapes of the second generation with the PEEC method,” rapport de stage de fin d’étude, INSA Lyon, France, 2020. () {33\%}[]
[M7] Camille SOENEN, “An analysis of adapted storage approaches for photovoltaic water pumping systems in developing countries”, Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2020. (thesis) {33%}[p33]
[M6] Anne CHARPENTIER, “Influence of photovoltaic water pumping systems operation on groundwater sustainability”, Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2020. (thesis) {33%}[]
[M5] Ignacio SALSAS, “Impact assessment of photovoltaic pumping systems for water access in developing countries – The case of burkina faso”, Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2019. () {33%}[]
[M4] Elvire A. DE LA FRESNAYE, “A financial and technical assessment of solar versus hand water pumping for off-grid area”, Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2018. (thesis) {33%}[p30, ic32, ic31]
[M3] Vitali CAPLAIN, “Water demand and organization and payment schemes for solar pumping systems in emerging countries: a case study in Burkina Faso”, Master thesis, Imperial College London, UK, Aug. 2018. (thesis){33%}[]
[M2] Mamour DIOP, “Modélisation dynamique d’un câbles HVDC souterrain”, rapport de stage recherche M2, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2016. () {100%}[]
[M1] Bogdan DŽONLAGA, “Simulation d’un réseau multi-terminaux HVDC,” rapport de stage recherche M2, University Paris-Saclay, GeePs, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2016. () {100%}[]

Bachelor Thesis

[B7] Lourdes PLATERO DE HEREDIA, “Techno-economic optimization of superconducting cables,” Trabajo fin de grado, Comillas Pontifical University, ICAI, Spain, 2022. (){100%}[]
[B6] Celia GOMEZ LIMIA, “Characterization of HTS coils,” Trabajo fin de grado, Comillas Pontifical University, ICAI, Spain, Jun. 2022. (){100%}[]
[B5] Carmen MARTIN-SANZ GARRIDO, “Efforts towards the standardization of superconducting cables,” Trabajo fin de grado, Comillas Pontifical University, ICAI, Spain, 2021. (){100%}[]
[B4] Tomás REILLY ROCKETT, “Techno-economic optimal cable layouts for offshore wind farms,” Bachelor thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, Oct. 2021. (){50%}[]
[B3] Elisa RAZZERA GAJARDO, “Optimization of the layout of an offshore wind farm using binary particle swarm optimization,” Bachelor thesis, Universidade Federeal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021. (){100%}[]
[B2] Yassin KHARMIZ, “Optimierung einer supraleitenden Magnetschwebebahn,” (German) Bachelor thesis, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany, Apr. 2015. (){100%}[p6, ic12]
[B1] Elhoucin MOKHLIS, “Validierung einer Berechnungsformel für ein neuartiges Design Supraleitender Spulen mit Hilfe einer numerischen Lösung des Gesetzes von Biot-Savart,” (German) Bachelor thesis, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany, Apr. 2015. (){100%}[]